Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Being somebody who slaves day in/day out at there "day job" (which I place into quotation marks because this job has been lasting long long into the night for the past three weeks) doing things like "imagery", "graphics", "designing", "marketing" and other such horrible words that I am sure will get me banned from the vastness of the internets, I notice things. Sometimes I will be walking down the street and see a particular sign on an establishment and say aloud to the annoyance of all those around me, "Why the fawk did they use that font? That looks horrible!". Today I noticed these.... these two magazines were released in the same month, featuring the same people on the covers... this is the power of marketing and propaganda. Congratulations, you are all now sheep....side note, I didn't even know Tiger Beat was still around... I thought that shit went under at the end of the 90's.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this makes me wanna kill myself ...

so fast ...