Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mutants? Aren't we all?

Just read a very informative article this morning. It may only be my personal interpretation, but I really see this as a major step forward in an area and field that has needed it desperately. Having two family members who have autism, I am constantly annoyed with people who think of them as "slow" or "retarded" just because they function on a very different level than the rest of us. I've heard many explanations that autism is caused by the pesticides in our food, or the fact that most of our babysitter's were the TV, or even mercury in the immunizations we are given as children, but not enough people have been treating autism less like a disease, and more like a new way for our minds to work. Any neuro-scientist will tell you we barely understand the way the human mind works, what if the way it works in those with autistic minds is just so different from us with "typical" wiring that we can't truly understand it yet. What if the way there minds are being wired is nature's next attempt at a form of our evolution? If you know me, you know I love comic books and movies and all things geek-dom, but it excites me more to look at someone in my family and consider that they might be a real mutant, just as super powered as the ones in the comics.

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