Friday, February 8, 2008

The Nerd Handbook for Non-Nerds

...This is not an article for you, who are most likely, like me, a nerd... no, this handbook is for your family, friends and/or significant other who stare at you from the corner of your "cave" and wonder what the hell is wrong with you, and in the case of your family, what the hell they obviously did wrong or in the case of a possible significant other (not the Apple II you pretend is your secret lover) how the hell they are going to stay with you.... an absolutely beautiful and shameless article written by someone who truly understands...

a choice quote... "Your nerd spent a lot of his younger life being an outcast because of his strange affinity with the computer. This created a basic bitterness in his psyche that is the foundation for his humor."


Albino Eyelash said...

Very good, I want to do a follow up on how to distinguish whether you have a nerd, dork or spaz on your hands.

Anonymous said...

check your myspace fool.

Linda said...

Ah yes, I may not know as much about computers as specified but it still seems a little bit too true.