Thursday, October 4, 2007

Political Side-bar...

I don't usually like to ramble about politics and what not, but I'm feeling a rant coming on. This morning I read an article on ABC news about Bush's veto of the SCHIP bill. Now, first let me state how I am in total agreement that this program needs to not only continue, but should be expanded to help more children and hopefully bring us a step closer to universal healthcare. When reading this article, it is full of sympathy stories and painful realizations gauged to make the reader upset at the Bush this a bad thing? No. But it's not good journalism either. I do prefer this concept though to 5 years ago when ABC news was supporting the war in Iraq. Either way it is showing how easily and all encompassing the mainstream media is used to not only manipulate, but to insult the intelligence of the general public.

Yes, it would not surprise me if the Democrats padded the bill forcing Bush to veto it, or instate a rudimentary system for universal healthcare....but would that really be so bad? Either way, it's a political game being played with the lives and well being of it's citizens. That is not how a government should be run. In a quote from one of my favorite graphic novels, "People should not be afraid of their government; governments should be afraid of their people" - Alan Moore

1 comment:

Queen of Cups said...

go on... tax my cigs! i really don't care if they increase the price of a pack by 60 cents or 6 dollars...

now, if they just randomly increased the tax on 'em, i would be upset...lord knows it would prolly go to furthering the war effort, but if i knew it was going to SCHIP program, i would be delighted

i would even go as far as to suggest that higher cig prices would encourage people to stop smoking and discourage others from starting, making the USA, in one fell swoop (is that right...?) a healthier nation


i blame this completely on lobbyists... bastards....

children are our future... nuf said