Friday, October 26, 2007


Once a year, there comes a time, when we all should go out, find a large orange-ish hued squash from the family of Cucurbitaceae and mutilate it in an attempt to make a discernable countenance once a flickering candle is place inside of it. This is a tradition that dates back to irish immigrants who would carve turnips....until they discovered that pumpkins were much easier and looked better on porches. Last night I forced several of my friends and family members to enjoy this festivity with me, many for there very first time. It was told to me that some people forgo the use of sharp knives and paint there pumpkins! Can you believe this!?!? Half the fun is slicing into and literally CARVING the pumpkin. I mean, who doesn't enjoy watching kids play with sharp objects? Many others had never carved a pumpkin before this night because of parents, religious beliefs, etc. etc. It frightens me how endangered this holiday is becoming. Every year christmas seems to encroach more and more on this, my most beloved of holidays. Every year more parents won't let there kids go door to door trick or treating. How is this possible? That the parents are so paranoid and distrustful of there own neighborhoods that they won't allow there children to dress up as demons, ghouls, or fawking harry potter and wonder the neighborhood begging for candy! It's a sad state of affairs, but no matter, I will still celebrate this holiday in all it's style and flair. And there will be tricks if I don't get no treats.... are all our pumpkins in there jack-o-lanternly glory.

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