Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another day older...

Sometimes I wonder if my age has finally begun to catch up with me. For those of you who do not know my real age.... you never will. For those who do, you will probably laugh at my whining, but bear with me.

Halo 3 has launched in a blitz of media and video game propaganda. Am I excited? Yes. Did I rush out and wait in line to buy the limited edition gold plates helmety-goodness version? No. Do I even own one of the new video game systems? No. Have I succumbed to some dark and insidious sickness of the brain that has prevented me from enjoying vicarious death? Possibly. It's not that I don't WANT to own a new system and spend countless hours playing game after amazing game, it's that I simply don't have time. My responsibilities keep me away from such forms of entertainment and I believe I'm growing tired of it. I have been saddled with enjoying an hour or two of Super Smash Bros. Melee on a Gamecube to try and take the edge off, but I feel it will soon be no use. Sooner or later, and possibly sooner, I will need to engorge in video game goodness once again.

...in an afterthought... my gawd how the release of video games is growing into an even more climatic frenzy. I mean, they had Marines riding replica Mongooses to usher in the new game! They had Mountain Dew's own special Halo 3 "tastes like death" flavor on hand for free! This is the kind of insanity I expect with the launch of a new Apple product, but for a video game? Am I that out of the loop, have video games finally ascended the pantheon of entertainment while I wasn't looking? I've seen the steady grow in excitement and people playing, but it is becoming a cultural milestone, even if it is spearheaded by a game like Halo 3. I must return to the forefront and claim my OG (Original Gamer) rights!

This is just plain scary....thanks to Kotaku.

1 comment:

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