Friday, September 28, 2007

"...childrens DO learn!" it just me, or is it nearly impossible to make our President look any more foolish than he already does himself?

anyways...coming quickly on the heels of my last post...i wants theeees.... other news, we still have tshirts for sale! yay! if you're interested just email your name, addy, which tshirt you want (or both!), and what size to They cost $10 a piece and then there's a $5 shipping charge for the whole order...also, we still have buttons! if you get both shirts you'll get all 5 buttons free! otherwise it's $1 for 3....keep those orders coming!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another day older...

Sometimes I wonder if my age has finally begun to catch up with me. For those of you who do not know my real age.... you never will. For those who do, you will probably laugh at my whining, but bear with me.

Halo 3 has launched in a blitz of media and video game propaganda. Am I excited? Yes. Did I rush out and wait in line to buy the limited edition gold plates helmety-goodness version? No. Do I even own one of the new video game systems? No. Have I succumbed to some dark and insidious sickness of the brain that has prevented me from enjoying vicarious death? Possibly. It's not that I don't WANT to own a new system and spend countless hours playing game after amazing game, it's that I simply don't have time. My responsibilities keep me away from such forms of entertainment and I believe I'm growing tired of it. I have been saddled with enjoying an hour or two of Super Smash Bros. Melee on a Gamecube to try and take the edge off, but I feel it will soon be no use. Sooner or later, and possibly sooner, I will need to engorge in video game goodness once again. an afterthought... my gawd how the release of video games is growing into an even more climatic frenzy. I mean, they had Marines riding replica Mongooses to usher in the new game! They had Mountain Dew's own special Halo 3 "tastes like death" flavor on hand for free! This is the kind of insanity I expect with the launch of a new Apple product, but for a video game? Am I that out of the loop, have video games finally ascended the pantheon of entertainment while I wasn't looking? I've seen the steady grow in excitement and people playing, but it is becoming a cultural milestone, even if it is spearheaded by a game like Halo 3. I must return to the forefront and claim my OG (Original Gamer) rights!

This is just plain scary....thanks to Kotaku.

Friday, September 21, 2007


We got the buttons in! There are five different designs, you can scroll down if you want to see them again, and they cost $1 for 3 of them, or if you order a shirt or track us down we'll probably throw a few at you for free.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Just wanted to let everyone now that the booty of shirtness has arrived, on this, National Talk Like a Pirate Day. If you already have your order in and are paid up, we will start sending them out this week! If you haven't ordered yet, what be the barnacle in your gizzard? The shirts are still $10 each, if you find one of us on the street you can score one right then and there, if you want to order through this amazing series of tubes we call the internets, well, you can't yet because I don't have the store ready on the website yet....but you can use snail mail, just send $10 for each shirt you order (be sure to let us know what size(s) you want and the addy to send them to) and $5 for shipping and handling to;

Bad Luck
715 State St.
Millersburg, PA 17061

Once we've received your payment our cabin boy Pawl will be sure your order is sent post haste! or he will be whipped..... with crabs......

...buttons haven't come in yet, I'll be sure to let you know when they do.
My Bad Luck Brothers....

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Days of Gloriousness in New Jersey

Day 1 - After successfully navigating the hellish lakes of molten rock New Jersey calls roads, we arrived at the home of my little brother, Jimothy. Upon arrival and ceremonious dry humping, we preceded to tour his humble abode, meet his three legged cat Sir Integra, and finally, get to drinking. Much fun was had, we waxed philosophical about "whiskey dick", we learned the story of one Fatty McGee, we attempted to watch Real Genius but instead got too wrapped up in our own festivities to be able to concentrate. There was also a moment when I imitated a dragon with Bacardi 151 and a tiki torch to everyone's enjoyment, and Juju locked my keys in my trunk, which turned John, Jimothy's roommate, Pawl and myself back into our old habits of picking locks and stealing cars to which Pawl was finally successful (and the least drunk). However, the keys were recovered, John and Emiry decided to play a game of hide and seek with everyone else, but no one else played. We fell down..... a lot. And then finally, our minds and bodies exhausted from the strain of so much excitement and possibly alcohol, we collapsed into a comatose state.

Day 2 - Upon awaking and moving in what appeared to be slow motion, we collected ourselves into a working model of a group and began to make our way towards the New Jersey beach. We of course had to stop for breakfast, and the only place that was acceptable was one with the title of "Budd Crud Diner", not it's official title mind you, but the one that Jimothy had described to us. Upon encroaching on this unaware establishment, Jimothy in his hawaiian shirt, my pornstar tshirt from 10 years ago, and board shorts, myself in my tweed houndstooth fedora, TMNT (80's cartoon style) tshirt and bright blue board shorts with large orange flowers printed upon them realized that we were unwillingly about to re-enact a scene that very possibly could have been in Fear and Loathing. Burdened with new found knowledge and elated to possibly apply it, we entered and were required to occupy two booths across from each other. What other's did not realize is that this would create a disturbance that the entire diner would then have to live with. However, Jim soon told me that being loud, obnoxious, and talking with great abandon on any subject was perfectly acceptable in New Jersey, thus confirming something I once thought to be a myth. After creating quite an uproar we decided to move on to actually attempting to find the beach. With a comatose Pawl we made our way down through the American version of the Autobahn known as "the Parkway". After two and a half hours of New Jersey traffic we finally arrived. At the beach we preceded to crash our bodies upon the ocean surf and shortly retreated to the safety of our towels. We then cruised the fascinating boardwalk, amazed at Jimothy's skill with crane machines, and entertaining ourselves, and many others, with our antics. Upon returning to the spot where we had left the majority of our stuff on the beach, we realized the gates had been locked due to fireworks. Jim, being the heroic type, jumped the fence and retrieved our much needed shtuff. We continued about the boardwalk, eating, playing games and enjoying the overall merriment of the day. We watched as they launched fire propellants at the sky and ocean as if to anger or appease some ancient New Jersian sea gods. After watching such a magnificent pyrotechnics display, I found myself craving semi-raw red meat. Having no luck finding an Outback, we managed to find an Applebees where we took a corner booth and looked a lot like a New Jersey branch of the Irish Mafia. Our waitress, Theresa, was at the end of a very long day and was having great fun on picking on our own mental exhaustion, even going so far as to help Pawl with what he wanted to eat. Afterwards, being unbelievably tired, we returned to our base of operations and promptly fell asleep.

Day 3 - Ah, the day of great expectation. Unbeknowst to Mr. Steppenwolf, Jimothy and I had planned our last day in New Jersey to be a celebration of all things Kevin Smith. Steppy had preceded to bug us all the previous day about stopping in Red Bank and visiting the Quicke Stoppe. I had feigned annoyance and Jim beautifully played it off as if he had never heard of this "Kevin Smith" person and knew not what Steppy was rambling about. Once arriving at the first stop, THE Quick Stop, I swear to you the dear Mr. Steppenwolf had but a single tear glistening in his left eye. Much goodness was had, and of course, I bought a Coke. It was slightly disturbing how very little the store had changed in the 13 years since it had first appeared in the movie that was destined to become legend. Swiftly making our way through the tri-city area to Red Bank we were surprised to discover they were having a fair upon the street. We mingled our way through the crowds and interesting shops to the Secret Stash where I was overcome with a wave of nostalgia, not because I had been there as a kid, but because it was a REAL comic book store. The type of which I had not seen for many a long year. I was saddened slightly that it was not closer, but I grabbed some good swag, even going so far as to buying a Ranger Danger tshirt, after seeing Jim had already grabbed one and my keen detection skills had missed it. I then further annoyed him by putting it on and wearing it the rest of the day, as he was also wearing his. Upon our return to Jimothy's we stopped at our last great New Jersian site. White Castle. We set forth consuming an entire briefcase of burgers and then watched as Jim attempted to construct a tower of White Castle containers. We also learned that no matter how you order fries, you will always get a sack of them. Once finished with our wonderfully greaser, and yet small, square burgers, we set forth for home.

The trip home was long and relatively uneventful. So we are all home now, returning to the boredom of our everyday lives and making more things for you people to buy, speaking of, I have confirmation that the T-shirts will be in our hands by the end of the week.

I think we will need to take a vacation at least annually, though next time, we're getting a Bad Luck Bus.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Nepal Air official Airline of Bad Luck

Nepal Airlines is declared official airline of Bad Luck after I read this article.

Bad Luck goes to the Beach

Ah, this weekend a few select members of the Bad Luck Team who have made it through the gruesomely heinous tasks that I had set forth as a selection process will be accompanying me to New Jersey. Why in the world would anyone other than Kevin Smith go to New Jersey you ask? My dear friend, and proverbial kickstand to my college tripod, Jim has invited myself and any members who found themselves worthy to visit his humble abode in Jersey, at which point we will consume as much alcoholic refreshments as we can handle, pass out, awake Saturday morning to find a beach, one in which hopefully does not cause genetic mutation instantly upon contact, and spend the day ruining our perfectly cultivated basement tans. Upon our return next week, we shall hopefully be receiving a bounty of Tshirts and Buttons, if you have ordered already, make sure to pay us, and we will send your order out post haste!