Wednesday, August 22, 2007

wallpapers o' plenty

...just wanted to let everyone know i put some wallpapers up over on my deviantart site, here , so if you would like to show you're Bad Luck pride head on over, click on either of the first two new deviations, then on the left hand side you'll see a lil button that says download, hit download to get the full size wallpapers for your very own!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Just wanted to thank everyone who has already ordered a t-shirt and/or buttons...and also just a reminder that we will start shipping them out in September....for those of you who have not ordered yet....what the hell is wrong with you?!?!?!

Friday, August 17, 2007


...ideas are dangerous things. I have found I often have way too many of them floating around in the gooshy juices and sponge like matter that make up this thing some people refer to as "my brain". I am brainstorming different ideas for a new comeek, not so much new, as a correct and interesting direction in which to take it. Those of you who have followed my non-linear progression through failed artistic pursuits will notice a lot of familiar characters returning to the scenes of this horrendous crime that I will perpetrate, along with some fresh faces to keep things interesting. Therefore I leave you with this.... "a sign of things to come?" you will ask... maybe.
"...both feared and revered through the lands, the pengron riders are harbingers of cool, winter-fresh scented doom."
-from the "Joys and Fears of Pengron Riding, 19th Edition"

Monday, August 13, 2007


coming quickly on the heals of the announcement of T-shirts now being offered, we have what everyone loves....BUTTONS! These five button designs and the two T-shirt designs will start shipping at the beginning of September, if you order a tshirt, or a couple of tshirts, you'll probably end up getting a button or two, if you just want to order some buttons, you can get three different designs for $1.....or you can get three of the same design.....or two of the same and one different....or...well, you get the point....once again, you can email your order to

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Just to let everyone know, in about two weeks we will have our first run of tshirts. They are pictured above. The t-shirts are $10 each, if you order them online there will be an additional $5 shipping and handling charge. If you want one, please give us your name, address, phone, email, which shirt you want, how many, and what size(s) and email it to and we will get it processed and you'll be one of the first to get your shirts when we get them.