Thursday, May 29, 2008


Apologies and Salutations

Updates are probably going to be stalled for a little while longer... I'm in the middle of making some large life type decisions and need the spare time to make sure I don't make the wrong decisions... I promise once all this is cleaned up I will get back on schedule and keep it....

Also... this is a great article!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


sorry about the delay in the daily drawings... guess I should re-title the posts "When I Got the Chance to Draw... Drawing" but that just seems awkward... I will catch up, life just kind of got in the way... as it always does, but ph34r not tr00 believer, for I will return! other news, I believe this deserves some attention, because I am totally going to get one and turn it into a floating pirate city-state, where piracy will be the law! (ph34r my ability to make a contradiction work!)... which is much better than what those guys are probably going to do with them, my guess it will all end up like this.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Daily Drawing X

Captain Danger Starr.... I call this the "Feed Jimmay" pose.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Daily Drawing Nine

Jayna and NoSpine... fnished sketch

I know I'm late, this week kind of fell apart, but I promise to do better next week...